Top Tips For Getting a Great Score for Your Film and TV Shows

So, you are finding the best ways of film scoring for your film or TV show. Without taking your much time, have a quick look at the following mentioned factors:

Make Good Research:

In order to get good at anything, practice is the most important factor to do. But just like a weightlifter requires a change in both training and diet, it is equally significant that you practice the correct way and plan ahead to enhance your results.
  • For instant, you may follow this Film Composer Work Week:
  • Watch info videos on Cubase, on Tuesday
  • Practice business meetings on Wednesday
  • Practice spotting sessions on Wednesday
  • Research different film scoring techniques on Friday
  • Try to re-score scenes from reputed films on Monday and Thursday
  • Read books on film scoring and stay updated
With that being said, you will encounter how it’s like to already go as film composers do. And you will be qualified and ready for tackling a real-life project. Just ensure you make a constant effort to learn new things and stay modernized.

Keep Yourself Updated With Latest Trends

Possibilities are that as you are reading this and considering becoming a film composer – that you are a huge movie buff as well. And that would be the last dream, right? To consolidate your passion for film and your passion for music? Just like a scriptwriter requires to watch tons of movies to choose new storytelling techniques and the latest trends, a film composer should also do this. Directors will surely ask you to make music very comparable to something they have learned somewhere else. There is no means around that. They have their choices, and you as the composer must be able to provide them what they need.

So, get to it and watch some movies! You have to practice the sound that is in demand right now. What's more, you have to make your music available for the entire world to listen, which will bring you to the next step.  

Collaborate and Conceptualise Your Score

Try to connect with friends or local film lovers and collaborate with them on a project. This is a wonderful way to make connections and develop your network. However, you have to make sure that you will actually be able to create something for them – if you’ have never written film music before, maybe start with option 1 or 2 for your very first trial!

Once you have your project, you have to decide what you are really attempting to say with your music. The best film music represents a story of its own or brings its own twist to a story. Consider thoroughly what you need your music to do, and how it will do that.

Film Scoring composition

This is the whole reason you got into this in the first place, correct?

So, when it comes to composing, what all you need; trust your instincts, and go with what you believe sounds right to you.

As per a report, “composing” as two intertwined areas:
  • Composition
  • Arranging/Orchestration

The “composition” feature is the big picture stuff and the “arranging/orchestration” is the more detailed stuff.

With that being said, you can perform the great film scoring task easily and compose music for TV shows or films.


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